47140 E. Poppy Lane

Soldotna, AK 99669

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Kenai Peninsula Borough

Roads Department


TO: Ron Long, Assembly President

Members of the Kenai Peninsula Borough Assembly

THRU: John J. Williams, Borough Mayor

FROM: Gary Davis, Roads Director

DATE: November 23, 2005

SUBJECT: Resolution 2005-104, supporting a Recreation Trails Grant Program application for funding improvements to Jacobs Ladder Drive

The Assembly of the Kenai Peninsula Borough adopted Resolution 2005-097, supporting a TRAAK grant application for $30,000 for improvement to Jacobs Ladder Drive to expand public recreational vehicle access to areas of the north Kenai Peninsula. The Recreation Trails Grant Program (a/k/a the TRAAK grant program) for 2005 now has available funding of $50,000. The Road Service Area requests the Assembly to approve this resolution supporting the borough submittal of a trail grant application in the amount of $50,000. Although the submission deadline of December 1, 2005, remains unchanged, the state indicated that passage of resolution 2005-097 was timely and that this resolution would be accepted after the deadline as an amendment.